Friday, December 22, 2006

Early Christmas

Isn't this beautiful? This is what Valerie gave us for Christmas. Made of Manos Del Uruguay! I told Tim, "It's like manos, but softer. I wonder what yarn she used?" Well, Valerie has a special treatment that she uses, and it is soft enough even for my sensitive skin. Could it get any better? The colors are great with our couch, and it will be sooo cozy in our new Tahoe abode (which was obviously her plan). Thanks Val!

And it gets better. The picture was taken with my new camera (Thanks Dad).

Tim opened his present from my dad earlier this week when they saw each other in Tahoe. The chainsaw didn't need to travel around with Tim. We had the package from Val arive here. Then we got a big box from my sister. We decided to open these presents, which were too big to travel with us. After that, I rationalized that I should get to open my present from my dad, since Tim already opened his, and we'd opened the presents from my stepmom and sister. Of course, their presents are all in FedEx limbo, waiting for the Denver airport to open. Now we're off for Christmas with Tim's family.

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