Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our Big Day

Today, a big truck came with Salty's (the mason) materials for building the new fireplace. It had 4 pallets on it, but I didn't get the photo until the first two were off-loaded. The city owns 10 feet of land on either side of the road, so we couldn't heat the bottom of our driveway. Salty got there early and applied his blow torch to the bottom of the driveway, which had a couple inches of solid ice. Then the delivery arrived. It seemed unlikely, to everyone except Salty, that Glenn, the delivery guy, could bring the materials up the driveway on his forklift. This is the same driveway that the snow removal folks said was too steep to come up. Well, it turned out that it was a non issue. It didn't even phase Glenn. Everyone else (plumbers, electricians, contractors and us) was totally impressed. We all ran out to the deck to check it out.
We left the rental at 9am. We walked through our entire house with the electricians, discussed details with the plumbers, and walked though with the low voltage wiring guy (phone, coax cable, cat5 and speaker wire). We came back to the rental for ~ 1/2 hour, then left again to check out some potential stair rail material, visit a plumbing show room for all of our fixtures, and meet with the cabinet guy for the final kitchen plan. We grabbed a quick dinner on the way home and got in just before 7pm. It was a long day, but we got a lot done!

Last week, we came up with a final design for the fireplace. Last night, I created a cartoon of it. No, that is not a double fireplace. The big one is the fireplace and the small one is for wood storage. There is no hearth, because we will have slate floors. A masonry hearth seemed to be too big of a presence in the room. Not having the masonry hearth also allowed us to have the wood storage and remain within our budget. To create the stone texture in this picture, I created a "swatch" taken from an actual photo of Satly's work. We have chosen the same stone, which is a mix of local granite and some granite from just east of Tahoe. We have chosen a "mortar-less" style, unlike this example. Basically, the mortar will not show, and the stone will have a stacked appearance.

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