When we met with our architect friends, back in August, we were given an assignment: buy art. We learned which walls ought to have a significant piece of art, and requirements for those pieces. This may appear bossy, or us docile, but neither of those is true! We also had an earlier assignment, before we met with them. In the earlier assignment, we were asked to get magazines with home architecture and style. We were to clip images of things we like, to help them get a good feel for our taste/style. During that process, Tim found a few pieces of art that he liked and clipped. Encouraged, because we all said, "Hey, that's cool," Tim hunted down and acquired one of those pieces.

Yes, that is a moose, made of thin pieces of wood all fitted together. Of course, it will look a lot better in a rustic house in the Mountains than it does in a quaint little 1929 house. And a darker paint color would help! Just in case you are wondering, the moose does not meet the description of any of the assigned pieces of art. It's a bonus piece!
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